Android 1.0 Source Release + Notes

Just pulled and compiled the Android 1.0 source and have it running in the emulator; took just over an hour to compile here for the entire system (minus WebKit - see below), and I can't imagine any OS compiling that fast =) WebKit is as of now timing out when you go and try to download the source. If you really want to compile Android without WebKit, here's how (you should have already followed the steps on the project site to set up the code):
• "repo sync" until it complains about not being able to download WebKit
• Edit your _androiddir_/.repo/manifest.xml and find the 'webkit' part. Remove from to for WebKit, and save.
• "repo sync" (everything should download)
• Run 'make' when all the code is unpacked. This will compile everything and make the disk images to run in the emulator from the Android 1.0 SDK.
• IMPORTANT: Run your EXISTING 1.0 SDK (the one downloaded from the project site), and use adb to pull out /system/lib/ (adb pull /system/lib/ ~/
• Copy your _androiddir_/out/target/product/generic/*.img to the location of the Android SDK disk images (_sdkdir_/tools/lib/images) - backup the SDK images first!
• IMPORTANT: Run the SDK emulator now and it should auto-load your compiled disk images. Now use "adb remount"  then "adb push ~/ /system/lib/"
• Your compiled Android 1.0 should now boot to the desktop
(You will need to perform the remount & push every time you run the emulator, for reference)


  1. Thanks, man. You bragged on Twitter but delivered the goods here ;)

  2. Thanks for this. I was buggering around with the compiled files before...
